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As Built Modelling Services in Sydney

As-built modelling from National BIM offers a thorough portrayal of the building's geometry and features and are incredibly accurate.

Building information modelling (BIM) services such as as-built modelling entail the construction of a 3D model of a building based on its current state. As-built models offer a thorough portrayal of the building’s geometry, systems, and features and are incredibly accurate and detailed.


What are As-Built Modelling Services Used For?

Applications for as-built modelling services in the architectural, engineering, and building sectors are numerous. The following are some typical uses for as-built modelling services:

Design and Construction Planning

By accurately representing the current conditions, as-built models can be utilised to facilitate the design and construction of new buildings and structures. As-built models can help with the creation of construction plans and timelines by spotting potential design inconsistencies or constructibility problems.

Renovation and retrofitting

As-built models are often used to support the renovation and retrofitting of existing buildings. By providing an accurate representation of the existing conditions, as-built models can be used to support the design and implementation of upgrades or modifications to the building’s systems, such as mechanical, electrical, or plumbing (MEP) systems.

Facilities management

As-built models are often used to support the ongoing maintenance and management of buildings and facilities. By providing an accurate and detailed representation of the building’s systems and features, as-built models can be used to support the planning and execution of maintenance and repair activities.

National BIM, a leading provider of building information modelling services in Sydney, Australia, offers as-built modelling services that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each project. National BIM’s team of experienced professionals uses the latest scanning and modelling technologies to create accurate and detailed as-built models that can be used for a wide range of applications. Whether you need as-built documentation for a new construction project, or support for the renovation and retrofitting of an existing building, enjoy the benefits of BIM with National BIM’s as-built modelling services helping you achieve your goals.


What industries are as built modelling services used in?

Several different businesses, including design, engineering, construction, facilities management, real estate, and more, use as-built modelling services. As-built modelling services are useful for any sector of the built environment.

As-built models are employed in the building sector to support the planning and construction of new structures as well as the remodelling and retrofitting of existing ones. As-built models can be used to help the creation of construction plans and schedules as well as to identify potential conflicts or concerns during the design phase. As-built models offer a thorough and accurate portrayal of the building’s systems and features and are used to support ongoing maintenance and management of buildings and facilities.

As-built modelling services are used in the real estate sector for marketing and property management initiatives. In order to support property inspections, appraisals, and marketing materials, as-built models offer a very accurate and complete portrayal of the building’s features and systems.


Are as built modelling services expensive?

As for the cost of as-built modelling services, the cost can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, as well as the level of detail and accuracy required. However, investing in as-built modelling services can provide significant benefits, including improved project planning, reduced construction costs and timelines, and improved building performance and maintenance. At National BIM, we work with our clients to provide customized solutions that meet their specific needs and budgets, ensuring that they get the most value from their investment in as-built modelling services.


What is the process involved in an as built modelling service from National BIM?

The process of creating an as-built model typically involves the following steps:

Site survey

Conducting a thorough site survey of the building or structure is the first stage in the as-built modelling process. This may entail taking precise measurements of the building’s geometry, systems, and features using 3D laser scanning technology or other cutting-edge surveying techniques.

Data Processing

Following the site survey, the data is analysed and transformed into a digital format that can be utilised to produce the as-built model. This may entail cleaning and processing the raw data using specialist software tools, as well as extracting important characteristics and systems.

Model creation

The as-constructed model is built using the processed survey data. This can entail using BIM software tools to design a 3D model of the building that has comprehensive details about the building’s features, systems, and components.

Quality Control

After the as-built model is finished, it goes through a rigorous quality control process to make sure it is accurate and complete. To find any flaws or omissions in the model, this may entail the employment of sophisticated validation tools and methodologies.


Delivering the model to the client in the desired format is the last step in the as-built modelling process. Depending on the requirements of the client, this can entail producing 2D drawings, 3D models, or other documentation.

At National BIM, we use the latest scanning and modelling technologies to create accurate and detailed as-built models that meet our clients’ specific needs. Our experienced team of professionals works closely with clients to ensure that the as-built model provides the information they need to support their project goals, whether that’s new construction, renovation, or ongoing maintenance and management of existing buildings and facilities.