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Structural BIM Services in Sydney

Structural BIM Services from National BIM present a digital representation of a building's physical and functional characteristics.

What is Structural BIM? 

Structural Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a digital representation of a building’s physical and functional characteristics that is used by architects, engineers, and contractors to design, construct, and manage buildings. BIM is a process that involves the creation and management of a digital model of a building, which contains information about its geometry, spatial relationships, geographic information, and other important data.

Structural BIM involves creating a three-dimensional model of a building’s structural structure in particular. This model contains complete information about the building’s beams, columns, walls, and foundations, as well as how they link to one another and interact. In order to create an accurate and detailed representation of the building’s structural elements, designers and engineers frequently use specialised software, such as Bentley Systems’ STAAD.Pro or Autodesk Revit.

The ability for designers and engineers to simulate and analyse the structural behaviour of the building under various loads, such as wind, seismic activity, and live loads, is one of the major benefits of adopting structural BIM. They can find potential design issues or weaknesses prior to the start of construction by modelling the structural system of the building in three dimensions, which can reduce construction time and costs and increase safety. For instance, the design can be changed before building starts if the model reveals that a particular beam or column is under-designed for the loads it will need to support.

Structural BIM also provides several other benefits over traditional methods of building design and construction. For example, it enables better communication and collaboration between stakeholders, as everyone can work from the same digital model and see the same information. This can help to reduce errors and misunderstandings, and improve the overall quality of the design and construction process.

Furthermore, structural BIM enables the creation of exact and comprehensive construction drawings, material schedules, and cost estimates. This can lessen the possibility of delays and cost overruns by streamlining the construction process. Last but not least, the model’s accurate knowledge of the building’s systems and components enables management of the building’s continuing maintenance and operation throughout its existence.

When to use Structural BIM

Structural BIM is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of situations. With 25 years of experience, National BIM understands that there are some scenarios where it is particularly useful. Here are some examples:

New building design: Structural BIM can assist you in producing a more exact and efficient design while creating a new building. You may find any design errors and make sure the building will be structurally sound by developing a 3D model of the structural system. For instance, you could use structural BIM to model how the structure will respond to various loads, like wind or earthquakes, and then modify the design as needed to fulfil safety criteria..

Building renovation: Using structural BIM when remodelling an existing structure can help you comprehend the structural system in place and identify potential issues before they arise. By modelling the current structure in 3D, you can decide more effectively how to modify or replace structural elements. For example, to identify load-bearing walls or beams that must be conserved or to determine whether adding new structural elements to accommodate changes in the building’s usage is feasible.

Collaboration with other stakeholders: Using structural BIM can assist ensure that everyone is working from the same model and has access to the same information when working with architects, engineers, or contractors that are using BIM to model other components of the structure (such as mechanical, electrical, or plumbing systems). This could enhance communication and cut down on mistakes. All parties involved can view the change in real-time and modify their own models in response, for instance, if a change is made to the structural system that impacts the positioning of mechanical equipment.

Analysis of building performance: Structural BIM may offer crucial information if you wish to assess how well a structure performs under various loads or circumstances. You can find potential flaws or locations that could use improvement by modelling how various circumstances would affect the building’s structural framework. For instance, you can utilise structural BIM to pinpoint the building’s components that are experiencing excessive strain or deflection or to calculate the maximum wind loads that the structure can withstand.

Structural BIM can be a helpful tool whenever you need to design or analyse a building’s structural system. By improving accuracy, efficiency, and communication throughout the design and construction process, it can result in higher building performance and safety.

Who can assist with Structural BIM? 

There are several professionals who can assist you with Structural BIM, depending on your specific needs and project requirements. Here are some examples:

Structural engineers

Professionals that specialise in creating a building’s structural framework are known as structural engineers. They are in charge of designing the structural elements of the structure so that they can sustain the loads and stresses exerted on them during the course of their useful lives. Structural engineers can utilise building information modelling (BIM) technology to generate a 3D model of the building’s structural system in order to find potential design problems and improve the design for efficiency and safety. Additionally, they can utilise structural BIM to analyse how the structural system behaves under various loads and conditions and to spot probable places where the design needs to be modified in order to meet safety requirements.

BIM coordinators

BIM coordinators are in charge of overseeing the full BIM procedure on a construction project. They aid in resolving any conflicts or issues that develop during the BIM process and ensure everyone is utilising the same model and has access to the same data. In order to ensure that the structural system is integrated with other building systems and that the BIM process is used effectively on the project, BIM coordinators can collaborate with other experts, such as structural engineers and architects.


Architects are experts tasked with creating a building’s overall form and functionality. Even though they might not be experts in structural system design, they can use structural BIM technologies to make sure the structural system of the building is fully linked with the overall design. Architects can work with structural engineers and other experts to verify that the building’s structural system complies with safety regulations and is optimised for efficiency by using structural BIM to identify any design conflicts or difficulties that may surface throughout the design process.


The structure is being built by contractors. They can produce an accurate and effective construction plan utilising structural BIM, and they can guarantee that the structural system of the building is constructed in accordance with design criteria. Contractors can optimise the construction process for safety and efficiency by using structural BIM to identify any potential design faults or system irregularities.

BIM consultants

BIM consultants are experts in the application of BIM tools, notably structural BIM. They might assist with any potential technical difficulties in addition to ensuring sure the BIM process is appropriately applied in a construction project. To make sure that the structural system of the building is well-designed and connected with other building systems, BIM consultants can collaborate with other experts, such as structural engineers, architects, and contractors.

Several specialists, including structural engineers, BIM coordinators, architects, contractors, and BIM consultants, may help with structural BIM. Together, these experts can make sure that the structural system of the building is well-planned, connected with other building systems, and optimised for efficiency and safety.

Is Structural BIM expensive? 

Many variables, including the scope and difficulty of the project, the amount of detail needed for the structural model, the software and hardware utilised, and the qualifications and experience of the specialists involved, might affect the cost of adopting structural BIM. While assessing the cost of adopting structural BIM, keep the following things in mind:

Software costs

Structural BIM software can range in price from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the features and capabilities of the software. Some popular Structural BIM software packages include Revit, Tekla Structures, and Bentley Structural.

Hardware costs

To run Structural BIM software effectively, you will need a computer with a powerful processor, plenty of RAM, and a high-end graphics card. This can be an additional cost to consider when using Structural BIM.

Training costs

It can be difficult and complex to use BIM software for structural projects, and it necessitates specialised understanding. Due to the large price range of training sessions and courses, this may be an additional cost to take into account when implementing structural BIM.

Professional fees

You must factor in the professional costs of any structural engineers, BIM coordinators, architects, contractors, or BIM consultants you hire as part of the overall cost of implementing structural BIM.

Time costs

Implementing structural BIM can take a while, and delays or revisions to the structural model might result in extra costs.

The cost of using structural BIM might vary depending on a variety of factors. Yet, implementing structural BIM can also have some significant benefits, such as improved teamwork, fewer errors and conflicts, and better productivity. You should ultimately weigh the expense of using structural BIM against any potential benefits for your specific project.

What are Structural BIM Services that National BIM assist with? 

National BIM helps with structural 3D modelling, structural shop drawings, precast panel detailing, structural quantity take-off, BIM for infrastructure and civil, LOD, and COBie services are a few examples of the various services linked to the usage of BIM in the construction sector. Here is a quick synopsis of each:

Structural 3D Modelling

Structural 3D modelling is the process of creating a digital three-dimensional representation of the structural components of a building or other structure. This includes beams, columns, slabs, walls, and other elements that make up the structural system.

Using specialised software like AutoCAD, Revit, or Tekla Structures, the model can be built utilising data from a variety of sources, including architectural blueprints, engineering drawings, and site surveys.

The purpose of structural 3D modelling is to create a virtual representation of the structure that can be used for design, analysis, construction, and management purposes. The model can help identify potential design flaws or conflicts, optimise the design for safety and efficiency, and aid in communication among project stakeholders.

In addition to providing a visual depiction of the structure, a 3D model may also contain details about the materials, connections, and other parts that are required for construction and maintenance. Teamwork, accurate drawing creation, and visualising the structure in various contexts will all be made simpler by the model.

Structural Shop Drawings

The individual parts of a building’s structural system are shown in detail in structural shop drawings, demonstrating how they will be manufactured and installed. Dimensions, materials, connections, and other data required to construct and install structural components are frequently included in these drawings.

On the basis of the specifications and design drawings offered by the structural engineer, the contractor or fabricator in charge of producing and installing the components will normally produce structural shop drawings. Drawings are used to guarantee that components are manufactured according to specifications by providing a precise representation of how each component will be built and placed.

The size, form, kind, and grade of the material to be used, the position and type of connections, and any special installation or finishing instructions may all be included in structural shop drawings. Tolerances, finishes, and other details that are crucial for quality control and ensuring that the components are constructed in accordance with design specifications may also be included in the drawings.

The correct fabrication and installation of a building’s structural components, as well as the achievement of the required safety and performance criteria, depend greatly on the accuracy of the structural shop drawings.

Precast Panel Detailing

Precast panel detailing is the process of creating exact fabrication drawings and instructions for precast concrete panels used in building construction. Precast concrete panels are manufactured and prefabricated in a factory before being transported and put together on the construction site.

Precast panel detailing entails producing thorough drawings that depict the sizes, contours, and specifics of each panel as well as any connections or other parts required for installation. The precast concrete fabricator uses these plans to create the panels precisely to the project’s specifications.

Precast panel detailing typically includes information such as the thickness and strength of the concrete, reinforcement details, panel joints, and connections to other structural elements. The detailing process may also include information on finishing and surface treatments, such as colouring or texturing the panels.

There are many benefits to precast panel detailing, including improved quality control, quicker construction, lower prices, and safer job sites. Because precast concrete panels are made in a controlled environment, their quality may be more consistently maintained. Precast panels can be put in place quicker than traditional cast-in-place concrete, which can save project costs and duration.

Precast panel detailing plays a crucial role in the production of precast concrete and ensures that the precast panels are produced in accordance with the required safety and performance criteria.

Structural Quantity Take-off

Structural quantity take-off is the process of estimating the quantities of various structural components needed for a construction project. The process involves analysing the structural drawings and specifications to determine the amount of materials required for each element of the structure, such as columns, beams, walls, slabs, and other components.

Structural quantity take-off typically involves creating a detailed list or schedule of the materials required for each element of the structure, including the quantity, dimensions, and type of materials needed. The process may also include calculating the labour and equipment required for the installation of each component.

The goal of structural quantity take-off is to precisely calculate the number of materials required for a project, which is crucial for planning and budgeting. Contractors can accurately estimate the cost of the project and spot areas where cost management may be necessary by knowing the quantity of materials needed.

Construction estimators often do structural quantity take-off because they are skilled at analysing construction plans and requirements and determining the number of materials needed for a project. To automate the procedure and guarantee accuracy, they could employ specialised software tools.

Overall, structural quantity take-off is an important step in the planning and budgeting process for construction and aids in ensuring that the project is completed on time and within the allotted budget.

BIM for Infrastructure and Civil

BIM (Building Information Modelling) for Infrastructure and Civil refers to the application of BIM technology for the design, construction, and management of infrastructure and civil engineering projects such as highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, railroads, and other large-scale infrastructure projects.

Making a 3D digital model of the project that contains complete information on the appearance and functionality of the infrastructure’s component pieces is an essential step in the BIM for Infrastructure and Civil process. The BIM model incorporates a number of data sources, including design drawings, survey data, environmental data, and project specifications in order to provide a comprehensive representation of the project.

Project teams can collaborate more effectively, share data in real-time, and identify potential issues before any work is done thanks to the BIM model. It also gives project stakeholders the ability to view and analyse the project in three dimensions, which helps them comprehend the project and make better decisions.

The accuracy of cost estimating, scheduling, and project management is increased by the incorporation of extra project data, such as cost and schedule data, into the model thanks to BIM for Infrastructure and Civil. The BIM model has additional functions, including creating reports and other documentation, analysing the project’s environmental impact, and modelling and testing alternative design possibilities.

BIM for Infrastructure and Civil can be used by project teams as a potent tool to speed up the design and construction process, save costs, and raise the project’s overall quality.

LOD (Level of Detail)

LOD (Level of Detail) is a term used in Building Information Modelling (BIM) to describe the level of detail and accuracy of the information contained in a model. The level of detail is typically defined by a number or a range of numbers that correspond to different stages of the design and construction process.

Each level on the LOD scale, which commonly runs from LOD 100 to LOD 500, denotes a higher level of accuracy and detail in the model. The model contains more information about the physical and functional properties of the building or structure and is more precise and detailed the higher the LOD.

At lower LOD levels, the model may only contain basic geometric information, such as the overall shape and size of the building, while at higher LOD levels, the model may include detailed information about individual components, such as materials, finishes, and connections.

LOD is important because it allows project teams to communicate effectively and collaborate more efficiently throughout the design and construction process. By using a consistent LOD scale, project stakeholders can understand the level of detail and accuracy of the information in the model, which can help them to make more informed decisions and avoid misunderstandings and errors.

With the use of LOD, project teams may work more productively and efficiently during the design and construction phases of a project while also ensuring the correctness and quality of the model.

COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) Services

COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) is a standard format for exchanging building information in a structured, machine-readable format. COBie is used to capture and exchange data about the physical and functional characteristics of a building, including equipment, components, and systems.

Building design software, construction management software, and facility management software are just a few examples of the software systems that the construction and facilities management industries regularly employ COBie to exchange data between.

The COBie database contains a variety of building-related data, including details on the building’s systems and components, warranties, maintenance and repair schedules, and energy use. The fact that this data is organised into a standardised format that is simple to import and export between various software programmes enables project teams to work more productively and share information more quickly.

COBie services refer to the various services provided by BIM consultants and other professionals to assist clients in the implementation and use of COBie. These services may include data analysis and management, software integration, data modelling and mapping, and training and support.

Overall, COBie is an essential tool that promotes information sharing, strengthens teamwork, and aids in decision-making for the building and facilities management industries. COBie services provide critical support and information to help clients install and utilise this essential technology effectively.